Practical Activism

I have been thinking a lot about the situation in Standing Rock and similar occurrences of social activism happening all over the country. I am so proud of my brothers and sisters who are risking their well being and at times their lives to protect what is sacred. To protect life.  I had such a burning desire to go to North Dakota in the middle of winter. I WANTED to camp in the cold, work hard, face “the man” without fear, learn to appreciate our Mother more and grow as a human being. Then I looked at my life in its current state.  I was discouraged by the reality that at this very moment in time, when my heart is already thousands of miles away living in a tipi, I could not do that and fix the wounds and problems that were here at home. And let’s face it. No matter how far or fast you run, the unresolved past usually catches up with you eventually. I chose to stay home and care for myself and my little pack, as well as plant seeds for the future. 

Fast forward a few more months (maybe 6), I knew I had made the right choice. My burning desire to help change the world for the better was still in full force as always,  but I also had an extreme pull to keep the forward momentum going here at the Blanket Fort. I worked on my emotional and physical health, my animals’ health (in the blink of an eye, I now have a senior dog!), caring for my home, growing my own food, building two businesses, building bridges and mending broken ones. All of these things made me feel empowered, yet something still felt like it was missing. My part in social and environmental justice. It’s been engrained inside of me since I was very very small. Take care of others as you would yourself. Show care and love. Yes! But how can I balance activism with all of the other things I needed in my life? I signed petitions, attended protests, gathered funds and  items for those that were on the front lines of it all. I found myself exhausted. It wasn’t balanced. I had to find other ways to make an impact, and the perfectionist in me wanted it to be a big one. After a lot of pondering and meditation, I realized I was already making the impact in what I changed within my life. Here is what I mean…

First, By growing food in my yard using permaculture and biodynamic techniques, I am not only taking charge of my own health, I am helping rebuild the soil that has been depleted of its nutrients from years of pollution and trash that is common in my neighborhood. I am building a mini paradise in the middle of the city! Not to mention, being healthy yourself, allows you to do more for you, your community, and your surroundings. Win/win! 

Second, I buy food and supplies from local farms that use safe and friendly farm practices, farmers markets, flea markets, and use the barter system. This greatly impacts not only my health and well being, but also my local economy. It’s a great form of activism to just stop using the system that you are against. Don’t like Monsanto’s frankenfood? Grow it yourself. Or stress hormones and disease in the meat that comes from mistreated animals in the agriculture industry? (And the methane gas? Wow. Have you driven past a place with hundreds of cows standing shoulder to shoulder pooping, peeing, and eating wherever they can? I have. I could smell them about two miles before my eyes could see the abuse. We can do better than this.) Buy from a trusted farmer or butcher that gets the meat from a trusted source. Farm to table butchering workshops are enlightening. Check out the sources of your food and supplies and buy natural whenever possible. It’s seems small, but actually makes a huge impact. Especially if more of us make the switch. 

Third, I like to use sustainable and/or earth friendly supplies whenever possible. I make my own cleaners and bath/body products to ensure quality control and cost effectiveness. (I sell these as well). I store these in reuseable glass containers. I buy in bulk and avoid plastic and unnecessary packaging like the plague (NO DAPL!) I am in the process of switching to solar and wind power and rain catching to reduce dependacy on the grid and also to use more sustainable resources. A future goal of mine is to convert my car to use a form of energy other than oil. 

Lastly, I prefer to rely on my own resources more than publicly funded and provided. Taking charge of my health, education, assets and thinking for myself changed my life drastically for the better. I am moving away from banks and imaginary money.  Bartering and using recycled or upcycled materials is not only easy on the wallet, but creates less waste. We literally have enough resources on the planet to live in abundance, if we use our creative minds and consume less. Also, learning to  live with less and sharing our skills and “wealth” distributes it better to much needed places. Western medicine and public education are helpful and positive in many ways, but seem to be lacking in many others. I like to supplement where they lack. Holistic medicine, herbology, acupuncture, massage therapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine and the library are my best allies. Basically, you just need to remember, no one knows it all. You can and should do your own research and ask a lot of questions. Why not? It’s your life and everyone’s future that can benefit from knowledge and integrity. Oh, and share that too!! 

And what is the point of sharing all this with you? I’m sharing because knowledge is power, sharing is caring, and love always wins. I want everyone to feel empowered in their own situation, as unique as it is. I want everyone to know its not hopeless and we have options. We don’t have to be the strong and brave Water Protectors on the front lines to do our part and make a positive impact. We can all be an activist if we actively make changes in our own life and surroundings. And if you have the bravery and spunk to be outspoken and proactive in a more in your face (yet peaceful)  kind of way, by all means do that too. The world needs a lot less fear, and tons more love right now. Give Mamma a hug. ❤️🦄

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